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Why is it important to invest in yourself as freelancer?

By Joanne A. Reyes, April 24, 2020

In this article, let me discuss to you the importance of upgrading yourself as freelancer whichever you may be-a general virtual assistant, website developer, graphic and logo designer, bookkeeper and so much more.

We must admit it, online jobs are a thing nowadays. People are vying for remote jobs and what better way to enhance yourself but through investing in yourself. So I list down some important reason why you should start investing in yourself!

There is always something new to learn

There is always something new to discover out there that you cannot always get for free of just by watching free videos on youtube. Often times, you have to pay in order for you to learn new set of skills as virtual assistant, graphic designer, social media manager and so on. Investing in yourself does not end in getting your diploma and attending your college graduation rites because believe me, there so much more to learn once you started working.

Learning means you are open to criticism and challenges

Learning means uncovering things that you do not know you also possess. It challenges you to become a better version of yourself and will give you what we call positive stress because it enables you to be creative and critical at the same time. It makes you think and raise questions and at the end, it will give you new set of skills that you will find really handy in minor or major parts of your life, depending on how you use them.

You will never lose anything by investing in yourself

It is always a win win situation to invest in yourself because after all, the learning and training will be embedded to you and no one will ever be able to take that away from you. Your ideas might be stolen but the copier will never be able to create something like what you did. It is just your responsibility to keep the fire burning in terms of upgrading your skill and knowledge by constant practice and learning.

Employers would be more inclined to hire you!

By investing in yourself, you will have the edge over other applicants as employers would be more inclined to hire someone who has various set of skills than mediocre applicant who can do tasks that others can do as well. Thru training, attending seminars or even going back to university, you have definitely made yourself more appealing to the employers. This article here, suggest that hiring inexperience or experience employee matters but the success of business actually lies on how willing a person is to learn and upgrade themselves.

So yes, it is always important to upgrade yourself and not just settle. There is always some new tricks to learn in the business. As Albert Einstein once said,

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